Finding my Quiet Place



As soon as we were given the assignment to find our outdoor quiet place, I had my spot in mind. The Trinity River Trail has become a place of comfort for me during my time at TCU. As a runner, the TRT is a dream because the trail isn’t concrete or asphalt, I don’t have to drive there, and it stretches for miles. It’s the place I go to when I need time to myself to process and think. Every single time I go for a run I pass by these two picnic tables, but I’ve only sat at them once. However, I have always wanted to sit for hours and do homework, hang out with friends, or have an actual picnic. The TRT makes me feel a greater sense of belonging to the city of Fort Worth. It’s so easy to get trapped in the TCU bubble, especially since I live on campus, so having a place I can escape to this semester is so refreshing. The TRT itself is a community; I love seeing all the people who walk their dogs, ride their bikes, or other fellow runners on the trail. My picnic table is perfect because it provides me a safe and comfortable place to observe this community that uses the TRT. My table is in between the biking and running trails, and offer enough distance to where I won’t be startled by people passing by. The table is nicely shaded due to the large trees surrounding it. It’s obvious that these trees have been here for many years and they have served as shade providers to many picnic-table sitters before me. Finally, the proximity of the table to the river ensures that there is a constant breeze moving past it, making even the hottest days bearable. Being able to have this constant of sitting in nature and watching both the people and the river pass by is going to be a much-needed respite during this peculiar semester, and I’m very thankful to have my picnic table between two trees.



  1. Thanks for posting, Rebecca. What a wonderful spot you chose! Great for watching the river, people, and the environment. I bike along the Trinity Trail, so one day you might see me zip by.


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