Blue Skies


Blue Skies:

"Blue skies smilin' at me

Nothing but blue skies do I see

Blue days all of them gone

Nothing but blue skies from now on."

                    - "Blue Skies", Irving Berlin

I don't think blue skies get the attention they deserve. So often on social media you see people posting a sunrise or a sunset, but I don't think I've ever seen someone post a picture of the plain blue sky with the heart eyes emoji next to it. So this is my blue skies appreciation post!! Nothing is better than blue skies. Like the Irving Berlin song says, blue skies are a sign of troubles and sad days being gone. With blue skies comes sun, and with sun comes a brightened mood (at least for me). I always tell people my favorite color is blue, but I have a hard time deciding what blue is my favorite. But this is it!! The deep blue of a beautiful day, when afternoon is turning into evening is the best blue. A blue sky never fails to put a me in a good mood. When blue skies are smiling at me, I smile right back at them!


  1. I literally was just thinking about this today! I was on a walk across campus and looked up at the gradient of the sky against the different greens of the trees and it made me feel so grateful for the sky and the moments of serenity it brings us!

  2. What a wonderful post in celebration of blue skies. I heartily agree, though like HDT I love sunrises, especially that early golden light thats filled with promise and comfort. Thanks for reminding me of the Irving Berlin song. I am sure HDT welcomed the clear blue sky whenever he encountered it. As I recall, walking in cold rain impacted his health.

  3. This is so true - the skies have been so blue and clear recently around the TCU campus. It's unfortunate that our classes are online via zoom, making it harder for us to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. There is not much better than a blue sky, they can make pretty much anyone smile.


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