The Wind can be deceiving at times.

The Wind can be deceiving at times.

On a westward journey,

Our pace is quick

And the road is easy.


We must return home by sunset.

One hundred and eighty degrees later,

We are stopped by a brick wall.

The Wind, who had been our friend,

Suddenly became our enemy.

She is quiet and sneaky.

Secretly She was pushing us along,

Further and further into the West.

Only when we disobeyed Her commands

Did we realize how strong Her push is.

The Wind can be deceiving at times,

But we must push through to our destination anyway.


  1. Wow, I really liked your poem. Do you write much? I'd love to see more. I've been know to write a few poems too. Thanks so much for posting.

    1. I actually don't write that much! I was out on a run and when I turned around to come back to campus the wind was really pushing me backwards, so I was inspired to write this. I do think a lot on my runs though, and that's what gives me my blog ideas a lot of the time.


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