Weather + Mood

The weather has always affected my mood. It's more than rain making me feel sad and dreary or sunshine making me feel happy and energized. The temperature also has a large influence on my mood. For example, when it's hot, I tend to get angry or frustrated much quicker than I do when it's cooler outside. When it's cold, I'm absolutely miserable. This Georgia gal is still not used to the dry and windy Texas winters. But days like yesterday (Sunday) are the days I find the most bliss in nature. It was warm enough to wear shorts if I wanted to, but I was still comfortable in jeans. It was a windows-rolled-down-AC-turned-off type of day when I was driving. These are my favorite days, because to me they feel infinite, like I could live in the moment forever. I love being able to sit outside and do homework while soaking up the sun, without sweat pouring down my back because of the heat or shivers running down my spine from the cold. I also enjoy the beautiful weather because I love seeing other people enjoy the beautiful weather. Seeing families on walks, friends on bike rides, and students studying in the Commons makes me feel a greater sense of community with those around me. It's a reminder that we all come from nature and rely on it to live our lives. We all need the sun, we all need oxygen the trees produce, and we all need food that grows from the ground. It's a simple thought, but it's a lot easier to love my neighbor when I'm reminded that we all need the same things to survive. It's comforting to see people returning to nature and getting away from urbanization, like the Romanticism movement emphasized. It's important to spend time in nature and take breaks from the industrialized world often, but it's so much easier to do so when the weather is fair, the sun is shining, and the breeze is blowing. 


  1. I completely agree! Every day this week, walking outside has put an immediate smile on my face because the weather has been ~gorgeous~. It's that lovely sunny-but-cool-enough-to-enjoy-the-sun-on-your-skin temperature. I haven't had much time outside this week, but I started my morning with yoga on my balcony during the sunrise the past two days and it made a WORLD of difference to my mood. Thanks for sharing your sunshine-y thoughts!

    1. Oh my goodness balcony yoga sounds like so much fun!! I don't think I could every get up to do it during the sunrise though haha. I aspire to be an early-riser like you!

  2. A wonderful post from Rebecca on necessity of sun and warmth, and a great response from Pamela. We are all organic creatures and need the light and warmth. I really liked your statement, Rebecca, that on such days we can live forever, if only for a moment. I think so too. Sometimes when I am out trekking there are such beautiful moments that fill me with sense of infinitude. I think such moments are what Abbey was thinking about in his nothingness passages. Truly humbling moments.


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