Persevere: A Poem

 This is a little different than what I usually post, but I decided to try writing a poem again this week! I've been feeling the stressors of school a lot lately, and this was the best way to convey my feelings. Being able to spend time in nature as a required part of this class has been really helpful in keeping my stress levels down, but I know as the seasons change the weather make it harder to spend time outdoors. Here's to five more weeks!!!!


The temperatures drop

And with that so does my demeanor.

A rollercoaster begins in my mind

First comes the Joy:

Cool weather

Better clothes

Days where I can spend hours outside 

Without breaking a sweat,

Soaking up the sun without drenching my clothes.

But then 

The Dread:

The temperatures drop too low

The sun is obscured by the clouds

Or taken away by the tilt of the Earth's axis.

The work piles up

The responsibilities increase

The gas pedal is pushed further and further into the floorboard.

"I need a break!" I cry;

But much like the sun is swallowed by the night

My words fall into an abyss of deaf ears.  

However, I will not lose hope.

With the light of the sun 

And the laughter of my friends

I will persevere

Hibernation will come soon

And then I can finally breathe.


  1. Thanks for sharing your poem. I like it a lot, especially the movement of tone and reflection. Please, keep writing, and post more. I am always ambivalent about autumn. I like it a bit better than winter, but for forty-some years I have only experienced winters in the South, which have their own charm but are not like the snowy winters up north. I grew up shoveling a lot of snow. I like spring best for all of the obvious reasons. Thanks for posting. Poems are to make people stop and reflect, and you have me thinking.


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