Search for Sunrise


I got a text message from my friend Maddison on Saturday night that read "Want to watch the sunrise Monday morning?" I agreed to the Monday morning meet-up, because I knew it would give me a goal to work towards. You see, I am quite the night owl. My average bedtime is around 2:30AM, and I usually wake up around 8:30/9:00AM. It's not that I don't want to go to bed earlier, but a lot of the time the later it gets the more energy I have and the more productive I become. But knowing that I had someone counting on me to wake up gave me the push I needed to set timetables for myself and get my homework done early on Sunday night so that I could get enough sleep and still watch the sunrise. 

Monday morning came and my 6:30AM alarm went off. I was so unaccustomed to waking up before the sun rising that I checked my phone to see if it was raining outside. It wasn't raining, but my phone did say the sky was "mostly cloudy." I now had a decision to make. Should I force myself out of my bed and watch a potentially failed sunrise, or should I believe the weather app and succumb to the pressure of my heavy eyelids coaxing me back to sleep? I decided that I wasn't going to let clouds stop me from getting my day going, so I rolled myself out of bed and met up with Maddison at 7:00AM. 

We weren't sure of the best place to watch the sunrise, but we ended up at the top of the Worth Hills parking garage. We thought it was high enough that it would give us a good vantage point to see the sun coming over the horizon. We were wrong. There were buildings in the way, and the sky was slightly misty on the horizon so the sun didn't ever peek through while we were on the garage. However, I am still so glad that we did it anyway. Being able to see the world before most of it wakes up was a beautiful moment. And our sunrise watching wasn't all for nothing; we still got to see the change of colors in the sky as the sun made its way up. Maddison and I have now taken it on as a personal quest to find the best sunrise spot on campus, so stay tuned as we move forward on this adventure! Who knows, this may turn me into a morning person!


  1. You made me smile. A failed sunrise? There's never been such a thing, though there are sunrises so hidden by cloud cover that we see only a gray brightening. Last Saturday I was out early in Grapevine Lake hoping for a colorful sunrise, but the world was covered in gray mist. Pretty in its own way. HDT always maintained that sunrise is the most precious time of day. He was being a bit metaphorical, as he also meant a time of life when we are most awake to ourselves and the world we inhabit. I commend you on your quest to to find the best sunrise spot on campus. Please let me know.


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